Building Golem - MOUVO

Martina Hamouzová

Building Golem


02 Mar 2024






school kids


2 hours
Buy for 450 CZK

Martina Hamouzová

Building Golem

About the workshop

In collaboration with Designeři dětem platform that connects design and education, we offer this material Golem building workshop. The workshop aims to try to look at unused things from a new perspective and use these materials or their parts as building materials for something new using your unlimited imagination.

What you will learn

How to build new pieces out of old ones, no longer needed or unwanted electric kitchen or IT equipment. Rubish literally. That we will view and see as our building material.


Who should attend

Curios children of age around 8 – 10 years and parents as well, should they be intrigued.

Meet your instructors

Martina Hamouzová vystudovala grafický design na Univerzitě Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem. Je na volné noze, věnuje se ilustraci a grafickému designu. Spolupracuje s grafickým studiem Marvil, Goethe Institutem a nakladatelstvím Absynt. Je ilustrátorkou, designérkou a spoluzakladatelkou a art direktorkou nakladatelství Poketo, které se zaměřuje na knihy pro nejmenší děti a edukativní pomůcky pro první stupeň základních škol.